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When can baby pacify pacifier be used?

Publish Date: 2018-10-17 Click: 1351
When can baby pacify pacifier be used?

The pacifier is a tool used to replace the nipple. It is usually used by parents to pacify the baby after giving up nursing. The pacifier is pacified by baby silica gel to gradually adapt the baby. So When can baby pacify pacifier be used? A baby pacifier is like the first toy a baby touches, and it's a great pacifier for the baby. But mothers must know about using pacifiers: don't use pacifiers frequently, and clean them before and after using them.

In addition, we also need to know which stage is the best time for baby to use pacifier, generally divided into three years of application: the first pacifier for the age of 0-6 months; the second pacifier for the age of 5-18 months; the third pacifier for the age of 16-32 months. Normally, you don't have to stop sucking pacifiers until you're 2 years old, because it can be used to train your baby's ability to suck and swallow, especially for low-birth weight babies, which can help them to achieve a satisfactory oral and gastrointestinal peristalsis function, while reaching a self-pacifying function.

baby pacify pacifierbaby pacify pacifier

For children with excessive sucking needs, oral sucking may really be needed; for premature babies or low birth weight babies, sucking may help to gain weight, but should be discontinued once the weight catches up with normal babies; in addition, be sure that pacifier use does not affect breast milk or formula consumption . Once found to be effective, quit immediately. Baby Silicone Pacifiers soothe the role of all parents have witnessed, not only let babies cry or sleep to find a sense of security, but also for parents to share a lot of, but in the application process should pay attention to what parents know?

First of all, you need to wash baby pacifier with baby special detergent every day. If you touch something dirty or fall on the ground, clean it immediately; secondly, don't tie a rope to the pacifier. Because the child in the application, too long rope can wrap around the child's neck, arms, but also around the child's bed, so that the child can not rest; third, timely replacement of children's nipples. The old, cracked, small holes, and incomplete pacifiers on the upper part should be replaced in time. Usually it's a new one every two months. If your child sucks hard, change it more frequently. Fourthly, if the child always bites the baby pacify pacifier, get him a molar toy. Avoid children biting off pacifiers and swallowing them, or they will block their airways and risk asphyxiation; finally, give them pacifiers that are similar in shape to their mother's nipples. At the same time, children should not be too dependent on pacifying pacifier.

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